Get me outta here!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

ABBYY FineReader 12 Professional Version Crack

ABBYY FineReader 12
The latest version of an award-winning ABBYY FineReader OCR software creates editable, searchable, files and e-books from scans, PDFs and digital photographs in 190 languages. Even higher accuracy delivers unmatched recognition, conversion and layout retention, eliminating retyping or reformatting. Advanced background processing and rapid image loading combined with one-click automation help you get more done, much faster.
How to Crack ?
  1. Install latest trial version of ABBYY FineReader Professional [remove these tick while installing]
  2. After installation close all ABBYY FineReader windows
  3. Download and run ABBYY FineReader Crack
  4. Click Crack button
  5. Done :) Now you can use ABBYY FineReader Professional forever
  • Disable your virus guards before downloading the crack
  • Before launching crack,it will show up a command prompt window.Its normal,the crack just deletes licensing services of ABBYY.
  • After cracking ABBYY FineReader Professional will show an error if you try to check the license .But never mind,it will never expire.


Glary Utilities 5.X PRO Serial Key

Glary Utilities 5.X 
Glarysoft’s Glary Utilities is one of the most consistently popular and most frequently recommended system utilities, and why not? It bundles some of the most useful Windows-related tools in one free download. It scans and cleans your PC, cleaning temporary files, removing junk files, fixing broken shortcuts, and resolving a wide range of issues, both major and minor, that most Windows users will have no trouble recognizing. You can configure its One-Click Maintenance option to run just those processes you want with a single click, making regular maintenance just too easy for excuses. You can run any of its many tools individually, too.
How to Activate ?
  1. Install Glary Utilities latest free version
  2. Click PRO button in the status bar
  3. Enter the serial key given below
  4. Click Activate Now [ image ]
  5. Done :)
Serial Key


Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Leawo iOS Data Recovery 2.0 Serial Key

Leawo iOS Data Recovery 2.0
Leawo iOS Data Recovery is the comprehensive iOS data recovery software that can recover deleted, formatted and damaged camera roll photos and videos, photo stream photos, photo library images, contacts, call history, text messages, message attachments and many more data files from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This iPhone data recovery fully supports iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPod touch 5 and many other Apple devices. It supports many kinds of data types and formats output by two optional recovery modes. Using the first mode “Recover from iOS device”, you can achieve iPhone data recovery, iPad data recovery and iPod touch data recovery by directly scanning and analyzing the device even when you have no backups. When your device is broken or lost, the program can also help you recover by extracting previous iTunes backups using the second recovery mode.
How to Activate ?
  1. Install Leawo iOS Data Recovery trial
  2. Open Leawo iOS Data Recovery
  3. Enter the key given below
  4. Click Register
  5. Done :)

Serial Key

Saturday, 10 May 2014

How to hack Wifi Passwords with Cowpatty (WPA2)

In this tutorial, we’ll use the piece of software developed by wireless security researcher Joshua Wright (often stylized as coWPAtty). This app simplifies and speeds up the dictionary/hybrid attack against WPA2 passwords. It is easier than you think, so let’s get to it!

Step 1: Find the Cowpatty

Cowpatty is one of the hundreds of pieces of software that are included in the BackTrack [Download] and Kali [Download] OS’s. If you are using a different Distro, you can download and install coWPAtty Here. For this demo, I will be using BackTrack. For some reason in BackTrack, it was not placed in the /pentest/wireless directory, but instead was left in the /usr/local/bin directory, so let’s navigate there.

cd /usr/local/bin

Because cowpatty is in the /usr/local/bin directory and this directory should be in your PATH, we should be able to run it from any directory in BackTrack.

Step 2: Find the Cowpatty Help Screen

To get a brief rundown of the cowpatty options, simply type:


BackTrack will provide you a brief help screen. Take a note that cowpatty requires all of the following:

  • a word list
  • a file where the password hash has been captured
  • the SSID of the target AP

Step 3: Find the AP

Just as in cracking with aircrack-ng, we need to put the wireless adapter into monitor mode.

airmon-ng start wlan0

Now, look at the available APs using the monitor interface and airodump:

airodump-ng mon0

leave this screen by hitting CTRL+C

Step 4: Start a Capture File

Next, we need to start a capture file where the hashed password will be stored when we capture the 4-way handshake.

airodump-ng –bssid 00:25:9C:97:4F:48 -c 9 -w cowcrack mon0

This will start a dump on the selected AP (00:25:9C:97:4F:48), on the selected channel (-c 9) and save the the hash in a file named cowcrack.


Step 5: Capture the Handshake

Now when someone connects to the AP, we’ll capture the hash and airdump-ng will show us it has been captured in the upper right-hand corner. Some people just wait for a computer to connect. Other people send DEAUTH packets to kick them off the wifi, and then they automatically connect again, at which time you will capture the handshake. I may cover this tomorrow or the next day.

Step 6: Run the Cowpatty

Now that we have the hash of the password, we can use it with cowpatty and our wordlist to crack the hash.

cowpatty -f /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst -r /root/cowcrack-01.cap -s Mandela2

As you can see in the screenshot above, cowpatty is generating a hash of every word on our wordlist with the SSID as a seed and comparing it to the captured hash. When the hashes match, it dsplays the password of the AP.

Step 7: Make Your Own Hash

Although running cowpatty can be rather simple, it can also be very slow. The password hash is hashed with SHA1 with a seed of the SSID. This means that the same password on different SSIDs will generate different hashes. This prevents us from simply using a rainbow table against all APs. Cowpatty must take the password list you provide and compute the hash with the SSID for each word. This is very CPU intensive and slow.

Cowpatty now supports using a pre-computed hash file rather than a plain-text word file, making the cracking of the WPA2-PSK password 1000x faster! Pre-computed hash files are available from the Church of WiFi [ Link ], and these pre-computed hash files are generated using 172,000 dictionary file and the 1,000 most popular SSIDs. As useful as this is, if your SSID is not in that 1,000, the hash list really doesn’t help us. Plus rainbow tables are Gargantuan to download!

In that case, we need to generate our own hashes for our target SSID. We can do this by using an application called genpmk. We can generate our hash file for the “darkcode” wordlist for the SSID “Mandela2? by typing:

genpmk -f /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst -d hashes -s Mandela2

Step 8: Using Our Hash

Once we have generated our hashes for the particular SSIDs, we can then crack the password with cowpatty by typing:

cowpatty -d hashfile -r dumpfile -s ssid

Stay Tuned for More Wireless Hacking tips.

Using Ophcrack to recover a forgotten windows password

Sometime we human beings can be a little weird. Yes, sometimes we 'forget' our very own passwords (which we use eveyday?). Or maybe we just wanna prove to our friends that we can hack and access their computer. Whichever your reason, here's how you can see or recover the admin password in a windows computer.

There are many ways and one of them is Ophcrack. You need to note though that occasionally a password won't be cracked, there will be problems running it (but are easy to fix), and it won't crack roaming passwords from a client.

Installing Ophcrack:

Step 1: Download

Go to Ophcrack's website and click on the "Download Ophcrack LiveCD" link.
Then go to the Tables section of Ophcrack's site and download the "Vista Free" table, and if you want, the "XP Free Fast" table, although this is optional. Any tables that don't have the word "free" in the title are paid tables.

Step 2: Installing to CD or DVD

If you want to install Ophcrack to a USB flash drive instead of a CD, then skip this step.
To install Ophcrack on a CD/DVD, you need to mount the .ISO image you downloaded in the previous step onto the disk. On some versions of Windows, when you double-click the downloaded file, the Windows Disk Image Burner will open. Just select the drive you want to burn to and click "Burn". If not, you can use other softawares such as nero etc.
If your operating system doesn't have a built-in .ISO burner, there are plenty available as freeware on the Internet. Just Google it and look at the reviews to choose the best one.
Now, unless you want to install Ophcrack to a USB drive or hard drive, skip ahead to Step 4.

Step 3: Installing to USB Flash Drive or Hard Drive

There are several ways of doing this, but I'm just going to cover the simplest (in my opinion).
The fist step is to download the Universal USB Installer from Pen Drive Linux. After it's downloaded, run it and agree to the license agreement. Because Ophcrack has been update more recently than the installer, you will need to select "Try Unlisted Linux ISO (New Syslinux)" in the first box. Next, browse to your file, select your USB drive letter and click "Create". The wizard should do the rest for you, with the occasional "OK".

Step 4: Adding Tables

To add the Vista tables, you must create a folder called "vista_free" in the Tables folder on your CD, DVD, or USB drive. Then extract the Vista free tables .zip file that you downloaded earlier into this. You can do the same with "XP_free_fast" and the corresponding tables.

Step 5: Using Ophcrack

To use Ophcrack, you should boot from your CD or USB drive from the BIOS menu. If all goes well, then Ophcrack should open after a short period of time, and you just click "Crack" to crack the password. However, there can be some problems, the most common being a "Tables not found" or "No tables found" error. To solve this, you open the Linux terminal in the applications menu and type the following (each line is a new line and spaces must be included as they are here):
su root
mkdir /mnt/usbkey
ls /mnt
mount /dev/sdb /mnt/usbkey
ls /mnt/usbkey
Hopefully now, Ophcrack should start as intended and you have recovered your password. Comment for any questions.

The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks

The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks

Everybody loves a good prank… unless you are the one on the receiving end of the fun. It’s time to hone your pranking skills, not just to make sure you are the best, but so you can avoid being pranked by others.
Yeah, sure, we could go with the old standards, like a blue screen of death screensaver or something like that, but it’s time to use our geek skills and come up with something better. We’ll cover some of the old favorites too, but maybe with a twist. Note: Many of these pranks require being able to access somebody’s computer physically, and many others require them to leave their PC logged in and unattended. You’ll have to plan accordingly.
Disclaimer: Get a sense of humor.

Make the Space Key Write the Word SPACE

Here’s a clever prank for you: Make the victim’s computer actually type the word “SPACE” every time they hit the space bar. They’ll be lost trying to figure out what on earth is going on, and it couldn’t be simpler.
Just create a new AutoHotkey script and drop in the following two lines of code—the first one is to hide the tray icon, and the second sets up the hotkey for replacing the text.
You’ll probably want to right-click on the script and compile it to an executable before putting it on their computer. I’m not providing a download for this! Just stick it somewhere on their PC, launch it, and watch the fun!
What’s really entertaining is that while I was testing this out, I accidentally pranked myself—my AHK scripts are stored in Dropbox and synced across all my PCs, and I’d forgotten about it on my desktop. Whoops!

Pretend to Install Linux on a Windows User’s PC with a Live CD

This one can’t be simpler—just find somebody at work who turns their PC off at night, come in before them, and boot off a Linux Live CD. Then leave an official-looking memo on their desk saying they’ve been upgraded to Linux, and watch them struggle to figure out what on earth they are doing. You’ll probably want to get rid of the Install icon, of course.

Create a Shutdown Shortcut that Looks like a Folder

This one is really simple to do—just create a shortcut to shutdown.exe on the desktop, and then change the icon to a regular folder, so when they double-click the folder to see what it might contain, they get a nice system shutdown notice instead. You can change the shutdown time to really far in the future so they won’t lose any work, but mostly so they get the full benefit of your nerd skills.
shutdown -s -t 1925000 -c “System error: overloaded porn folder”
If they are using XP, the effect is nice and dramatic, and you can even have some fun with the shutdown time… on Windows 7 you won’t be able to show off your geek skills quite as well, but they’ll still see something that will confuse them.
Note: on Windows 7 or Vista you’d also need to disable UAC or else they’ll see a prompt.

Switch the Keyboard Layout To DVORAK

If you really want to screw with somebody without installing anything, just enable the Dvorak alternate keyboard layout that even most geeks aren’t familiar with. When they type, everything will go haywire.
Head into Control Panel –> Region and Language –> Keyboards –> Change keyboards, then click the Add button and pick the Dvorak layout (or any other random layout you want). Once you’ve done that, use the drop-down above to set the default.
You’ll probably want to flip over to the Language Bar tab and set that to hidden as well, so they won’t be able to figure it out easily.

Plug a Wireless USB Mouse / Keyboard Into Their PC

This usually works out better if the other person has a desktop PC, because you can hide the wireless mouse or keyboard receiver behind their PC, and then every so often type an extra letter, or move the mouse slightly. If you do it right, you can have some fun with this one for a long time. The great thing is that this should work for almost anybody, including people that keep their computer locked all the time.
If they do have a laptop and a wireless mouse, you can simply replace their wireless mouse with an identical-looking one, since it won’t work for their PC. They’ll assume their mouse batteries are dead, and you can move the mouse pointer around the screen with their mouse. The prank won’t last as long, but it will be every bit as fun.
Obviously the picture, courtesy of ehavir, shows a wired keyboard—but it’ll work much better with a wireless setup.

Stick a Message Into their System Clock

We’ve covered this before, but you can easily stick custom text into the clock that sits in the taskbar—and most people won’t have a clue how to switch it back. Just head into Control Panel –> Region and Language –> Additional Settings –> Time, and change the AM or PM symbols to whatever you want. Or you can read how to do it for Windows 7 or Vista.

Reverse Their Trackpad or Mouse Wheel Scrolling

You can really throw somebody for a loop if you use a simple AutoHotkey script to flip their trackpad to scroll in the opposite direction. They’ll be completely confused! If they happen to have a laptop with a Synaptics touchpad, you can actually tweak this setting right in the Control Panel –> Mouse dialog, but otherwise, check out our article covering the script method, that should work anywhere.

Add Common Typos or Funny Words to MS Word’s Dictionary or AutoComplete

There’s any number of possibilities for this one, and the sky is really the limit—the idea is that you put something custom into the AutoCorrect so whatever they type gets replaced with something else.
You can go subtle with it, and just replace a properly typed word with a typo instead, or you can get in their face with something more fun—like making anytime they type their name end up replacing it with “<Name> is a jerk”. Loads of fun.
For Word 2007 or 2010, head to the Office button –> Options –> Proofing –> AutoCorrect Options. For previous versions… I have no idea. If you want this to be system-wide, you can use AutoHotkey instead.

Setup Task Scheduler Jobs to Launch Random Apps (or a Web Page)

Even a serious geek is going to be pretty lost on how to troubleshoot a new tab repeatedly opening to a certain page every couple of minutes, if you bury that inside the task scheduler. Just go in and create a new task, run through the wizard and pick the browser executable, plug the site name into the arguments box, and then set the schedule to repeat the task every 5 minutes.

Set the Mouse Pointer to Look Always Busy (to Make Their PC Look Like It’s Hanging)

Nice and simple, but oh so fun! Just head into Control Panel –> Mouse –> Pointers and change the Normal pointer to the busy one. They’ll think their computer is hanging all the time, but it’s really not. For extra fun, you could make the mouse pointers gigantic.

Activate High Contrast Mode (with a Single Hotkey!)

There’s a built-in accessibility option that can be very confusing to somebody who doesn’t know how to turn it off, and it requires only pressing one shortcut key sequence:
Shift + Alt + Printscreen
That’s it. Once you press that key combo, their desktop will get flipped to the high contrast mode—you can press it again to go back to normal. The great thing is that even if their computer is locked, you can enable high contrast with the icon on the lower left corner. On Mac OS X, you can press Ctrl+Opt+Cmd+8 to invert the screen’s colors.

The Old-School Favorite: Move the Desktop Icons, Take a Screenshot, Set as the Wallpaper

Most geeks have done this at some point in their career, because it’s both simple and irritating, especially for somebody who isn’t expecting it. The basic principle works one of a couple of ways:
  1. Take a screenshot of the desktop with the icons where they are, set it as the wallpaper, and then hide the desktop icons.
  2. Move the desktop icons around, or create bogus icons, take a screenshot, and then set it as the wallpaper. This way some icons work, and some don’t.
  3. Take the screenshot of the desktop, and then hide the taskbar below the bottom of the screen before setting the wallpaper (this only works on XP). Even better: flip the image upside down before doing it.
The result looks something like the image above, assuming you followed the second idea and created a folder on the desktop that they’d be sure to notice right away. They’ll keep clicking, but nothing will happen.
Bonus? Combine this with the shutdown shortcut so when they do figure it out and try and open the folder… it’ll give them the shutdown prank too!

Alright, so that was actually twelve pranks. Prank wisely.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Best Sony Products and its Crack

Best Sony Products and its Crack
Sony Creative Software inspires artistic expression with its award-winning line of products for digital video, music, DVD, and audio production.Sound Forge, ACID, and Vegas software have defined digital content creation for a generation of creative professionals, amateurs, and enthusiasts.
Crack Link
Direct Download Links
Click Here to Download
Download Links for Best Sony Products
Sony ProductWindowsMac
Size32 bit64 bitSizeFile
ACID Pro 7145 MBDownload
SpectraLayers Pro 2.150.3 MBDownload 48.7 MB Download
Sound Forge Pro 11186.3 MBDownload194.5 MB Download
CD Architect 5.229.2 MBDownload
DoStudio Authoring 491.9 MBDownload
DoStudio Encoder 418.5 MBDownload
DoStudio Smart Support 46.5 MBDownload
DVD Architect Pro 6.0198.9 MBDownload
Vegas Pro Prod. Ass. MBDownload
Vegas Pro 13337.8 MB Download
NewBlue Video Essentials34 MBDownload
ACID Music Studio 10150 MBDownload
DVD Architect Studio 5173.2 MBDownload
Movie Studio 13466 MBDownloadDownload
Movie Studio Platinum 13462.8 MBDownloadDownload
moviEZ HD 196.4 MBDownload
Photo Go 1 beta21.2 MBDownload
Sound Forge Audio Studio 10149 MBDownload
Blu-print 6Request Trial
Noise Reduction 2m20.4 MBDownload
More Languages : Sony Download Page