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Sunday, 20 July 2014

Introduction to Android Rooting

Today i will tell you something on Android Rooting.
We will give introduction on this topics:-
What is rooting?
Advantage of android rooting
Disadvantage of android rooting

Android is a linux- based mobile operating system owned by Google. It was launched in 2006 and now it is world's most popular operating system used in Smartphones. Almost all leading Smartphone manufacturer companies like Samsung, Sony, Micromax, Karbonn, Panasonic and even Nokia are using Android operating system in their devices. Latest version of Android operating system is Kit Kat (v 4.4). But, many-a-time, android phones do not meet the requirement of a general user. In that case, Rooting is the best solution.

What is Rooting?

Rooting is the process through which a user may modify his OS – in this case, Android– in order to obtain administrative or privileged control (root access) to the subsystem. Through this process you, the handsome user, can overcome the limitations that your carrier or manufacturer may have imposed upon your phone.

Advantages of Rooting

Custom Software (ROM’s)

ROM is the software which is responsible for the function of your device. There are many custom ROM’s available in the market that can make your device look as well as function differently. With the help of this custom software you can load the newest android available in the market and upgrade your device to the latest version which suits you the best according to the one’s need.

Custom Themes

Themes play a major role in any device used for games and many more things. Themes are the graphics that appear in your device. Themes can be totally customized after rooting your device and it gives a free look to the device.>


Internal memory is the main problem faced by many android users, but with rooting this internal memory can be increased with the help of the memory card. Also,Many features are not permitted or does not support in many android devices but with the rooting system this problem can be easily solved.

Disadvantages of Rooting


Rooting can make your device’s warranty invalid provided by the device company. So many of the people prefer rooting their handsets after the warranty period is completed, as rooting may lead to bricking of phone.


Rooting your phone has the chances to lead to bricking. Bricking simply means becoming like a brick, so bricking of device means your device becomes unusable like a brick after rooting, as many times rooting is not carried out properly and which can damage your device so badly that it will no longer be able to perform its functions.


While rooting or after rooting many of the unwanted features gets installed by the users unknowingly, by which your device gets infected with the virus.


The main purpose of rooting is to enhance the performance of the device but many has observed the declination in the performance speed as well as the features.


Before rooting your device just look forward to its advantages as well as its disadvantages as the safety of your device is in your own hands.

Thats all. I hope you enjoyed my article. Suggestions, Feedbacks and Criticisms too are invited frequently.
